
About AKDA

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All Kerala Distributors Association (AKDA) is an organization formed for the welfare, brotherhood, and unity of distributors across Kerala. Its primary aim is interacting, exchanging views, and finding solutions for common problems. AKDA works to protect and safeguard the interests of traders in the distribution business. It serves as a liaison between the government, its different departments, and between manufacturers and marketing companies.

The AKDA is an organization that was formed in 1986 and is registered under the Societies Registration Act. The Association works to provide members with a platform to discuss issues and concerns related to the distribution sector. It also serves as a voice for distributors in the state and works to ensure that the government provides adequate support and resources to the industry.

AKDA is committed to providing its members with the best possible support and assistance. Members benefit from the organization's advocacy of their interests in the marketplace and in the political arena. The association works on its members' behalf to help them access important resources and services, such as training and development opportunities.

AKDA organizes various activities and events for its members such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and trade fairs. It also provides legal, financial, and technical advice to its members. In addition to this, AKDA also works to promote cooperation and coordination among distributors in the state. AKDA also provides its members with access to the latest industry news and information, as well as resources to help them grow their businesses. In addition, the Association works to promote the interests of distributors in Kerala and strives to ensure the protection of the industry.

The organization advocates for fairer pricing arrangements, and more transparent and ethical business practices, to combat unfair trade practices and better access to business opportunities. The AKDA is an important part of the distribution sector in Kerala, and its members play a vital role in the growth and development of the state’s economy.


We are committed to fostering unity, brotherhood, empowerment, and excellence in our members thus developing our members in their pursuit of excellence and promoting a culture of camaraderie, respect, and professionalism, and bringing a cordial relationship with the principal companies.


To create a safe and inclusive environment for all, to promote meaningful dialogue and understanding amongst individuals, and to empower our members to reach their full potential. Our mission is to promote the values of respect, dignity, and inclusion while promoting growth and development through collaboration, education, and innovation.


  • To organize seminars, symposia, and conferences, with a view to better the Distribution business. We publish papers, monographs, and, other publications which will be conducive to the development of the Distribution business.
  • To educate the members to do healthy business, in the interest of all traders in the distribution business and to conduct evaluation studies.
  • To improve the business of the traders in the distribution business and to maintain good relationships between businessmen and industrialists.
  • To investigate the defects and needs of the commercial community and find out means for its improvements
  • To mediate and settle commercial and industrial disputes in cases required.
  • To pass opinion in matters of commercial disputes and customs of the distribution business.
  • To maintain a cordial relationship with manufacturers and marketing companies and protect and safeguard the interest of the traders in the distribution business.